Tan Chong Motor Holdings


Provision of Financial Assistance pursuant to paragraph 8.23(1)(ii) and Practice Note No.11/2001 of the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad

BackFeb 26, 2008
Type Announcement
Subject Provision of Financial Assistance pursuant to paragraph 8.23(1)(ii) and Practice Note No.11/2001 of the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad
Contents Pursuant to paragraph 8.23(1)(ii) and Practice Note.11/2001 of the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, the Board of Directors of Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad ("TCMH") wishes to announce the aggregate amount of financial assistance provided by TC Capital Resources Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of TCMH, for the fourth quarter ended 31 December 2007 as set out below:

(i) Paragraph 3.1 of Practice Note. 11/2001

Type of Financial Assistance :
Loans extended to customers in the ordinary course of TCCR's business as a licensed money lender

Amount of loans provided during the 4th quarter ended 31 December 2007:

Amount of loans provided for the 12 months period ended 31 December 2007:

(ii) Paragraph 3.3 of Practice Note. 11/2001

As set out in the table attached below.

The provision of financial assistance as set out above would not have any significant impactto the earnings and cashflow of TCMH Group for the year ending 31 December 2008.


Announcement Info

Stock Name TCHONG    
Date Announced 26 Feb 2008  
Category General Announcement
Reference No TCM-080226-25DA2


  1. TCHONG_260208.doc (Size: 47,616 bytes)