Tan Chong Motor Holdings


Incorporation Of New Companies

BackJun 15, 2005
Type Announcement
Subject Incorporation of New Companies

Contents :

The Directors of the Company wish to inform that the Group has incorporated a company with the name of TC Manufacturing Company (Sabah) Sdn Bhd ("TCMCS") under the Companies Act, 1965 on 13 June 2005 and another company with the name of ETCM (Labuan) Pty Ltd ["ETCM (Labuan)"] under the Offshore Companies Act 1990 in the Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia on 15 June 2005 to cater for the Group’s future business expansion needs.

TCMCS has an authorized capital of RM100,000/- made up of 100,000 ordinary shares of RM1/- each and an issued and paid-up capital of RM2/-. ETCM (Labuan) has an authorized capital of USD2,000,000/- made up of 2,000,000 ordinary shares of USD1/- each and an issued and paid-up capital of USD1/-. Both TCMCS and ETCM (Labuan) are wholly-owned by Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad.

None of the directors and substantial shareholders has an interest, direct or indirect, in the formation of the new companies.


Announcement Info

Stock Name TCHONG    
Date Announced 15 Jun 2005  
Category General Announcement
Reference No TC-050615-53631