Tan Chong Motor Holdings


Nissan Sets Up ASEAN Regional HQs in Singapore

BackMar 11, 2005
Type Announcement
Subject Nissan Sets Up ASEAN Regional HQs in Singapore

Contents :

On 25th February 2005, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., announced in Tokyo that it has established a wholly-owned ASEAN headquarters (RHQ) in Singapore, which will commence operations on April 1.

Nissan Asia Pacific Pte., Ltd., is capitalized at US$10 million and will supervise business development in the ASEAN region. The headquarters plans to oversee Nissan's core business functions throughout the region including regional marketing & sales, franchise management, public relations and production order processing.

Nissan also announced it has set up a treasury center (RTC) in Singapore to oversee both Asian and Oceania markets. Nissan International Finance Singapore Pte., Ltd., is capitalized at US$5 million and will also begin operations on April 1.

We further understand from Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. that the strategic objective of setting up Nissan Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. is to achieve the company’s long-term goal of having a “sustainable profitable growth” in the Asean region through:
- Aggressively address new market opportunities
- Establishment of Marketing & Sales operations closer to the customers
- Reduction of time-to-market for product planning
- Execution of effective training, CS improvement, and VI compliance across the region
- Efficient/effective support of NSCs through use of best practices

Nissan International Finance Singapore Pte., Ltd., is to be the regional treasury center who will be responsible for treasury activities for Asia/Oceania regions, including some global activities for Nissan group companies.

Directors’ statement

Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. has confirmed that the establishment of the RHQ and the RTC is to improve support and enhance the co-operation and relationship between Nissan and Nissan NSCs with a view to the continuity thereof. In relation to Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd has confirmed that the establishment is with a view to the further deepening and strengthening of the long established and mutually beneficial business relationship between Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. and the group of companies of Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad for the assembly and distribution of CKD units of Nissan vehicles and the provision of technical assistance in relation thereto and also the distribution of CBU units of Nissan vehicles.

Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad would therefore like to express its support to Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. for such effort and commitment that will further enhance Nissan’s overall business activities in the region and the continuity of its relationship with NSCs that will also benefit Tan Chong Motor Holdings Berhad and its group of companies, directly and indirectly, as the sole Nissan distributor in Malaysia.

By order of the Board
Company secretary

Abbreviations: CBU -completely built up, CKD - completely knocked down, CS – customer satisfaction, NSC – Nissan Sales Companies, RHQs – regional headquarters, VI – Visual Identity.


Announcement Info

Stock Name TCHONG    
Date Announced 11 Mar 2005  
Category General Announcement
Reference No TC-050311-48944