Tan Chong Motor Holdings


Change In Audit Committee

BackDec 10, 2001
Date of change 10/12/2001
Type of change Appointment
Designation Director
Directorate Executive
Name Dato' Haji Kamaruddin @ Abas Nordin
Age 63
Nationality Malaysian
Qualifications Master of Arts in Economics, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Working experience and occupation Dato' Haji Kamaruddin served the civil service until retirement in 1993. During his tenure, he held various senior positions, among them as Director, Industries Divisions in Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Deputy Secretary-General, Ministry of Works, Director-General of Registration Department, Ministry of Home Affairs
Directorship of public companies (if any) APM Automotive Holdings Berhad, Lion Land Berhad
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer none
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries 2,992 ordinary shares of RM0.50 each
Composition of Audit Committee (Name and Directorate of members after change) Mr. Geh Cheng Hooi, Independent and Non-Executive Director
Dato' Ng Mann Cheong, Independent and Non-Executive Director
Dato' Haji Kamaruddin @ Abas Nordin, Non-Independent and Non -Executive


Announcement Info

Stock Name TCHONG    
Date Announced 10 Dec 2001  
Category Change in Audit Committee
Reference No TC-011203-30881